We are always looking for quality guest post contributions from other personal finance bloggers looking to expand their audience. If you are interested in writing a guest post for The Money Sack, please read the requirements below.
- Posts need to be of high quality and well-written with no grammar or punctuation errors.
- Submissions should be at least 1000 to 2,000 words long.
- Up to two links in the article body and up to another two links in your bio can link to your blog, website, or social media.
- Submissions must be original content that has not been posted elsewhere. Once accepted, the article must not be republished anywhere else.
- We reserve the right to reject any submission. Once accepted, the article becomes the property of The Money Sack and may be edited or altered to best fit the blog.
- You may include a 2 to 3 sentence bio about you and/or your blog.
- Ideas for topics include how to make money, save money, budget, investing, debt, credit repair, financial planning, Recipes, and Reviews. The Money Sack is a personal finance blog so the guest post should be in line with this.
If you are interested in writing for us, you may submit your guest post to guestpost@themoneysack.com
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